Write your self. Your body must be heard. Only then will the immense resources of the unconscious spring forth.
And why don't you write? Write! Writing is for you, you are for you; your body is yours, take it.
~Helene Cixous, from The Laugh of the Medusa
Writing is our birthright. Writing isn’t for people who are “good” at writing, and writing isn’t just for school or work.
Writing is a form of expression, a tool we created or discovered as humans, like art, to find meaning and understand ourselves and the world around us.
Expressive writing journeys allow you to sink deep into the womb of your psyche: the dark, mystical, unexplored spaces of your being that are ripe with potential!
Once you purchase your journey package, contact Brie to schedule a day/time:
Call or Text (484) 844-5107 or email wombword@gmail.com.